

win some / lose some, HAD

burning haibun, almost cowboy blues, poem before dying, lost dog, Bullshit Lit

Best of the Net Nomination: to say i want to take a big glorious shit, Longleaf Review

bread & butter, hooligan mag

Litany of things to remember, Emerge Literary Journal

Fertilizer, trampset

three micropoems, 433 mag / two poems, The Daily Drunk / ode to orange, perhappened mag / Pushcart Prize Nomination: the dinner party (the office s4e9), The Daily Drunk / tender objects, VERSIFICATION


For E, Hobart

the tattoo appointment, Maudlin House

bridesmaid dress, ang(s)t HAIR issue / Broken Land Parkway [with audio], Thirty West Publishing House Elevator Stories / At a red light when you momentarily forget where you’re going, The Daily Drunk


Get In Losers, We’re Reading Riley: On Riley Mac’s In This Car, Stone of Madness Press

If Hafiz Texts, You Answer: On Hafiz’s Little Book of Life, Made New by Erfan Mojib & Gary Gach, Stone of Madness Press

“There’s Love in Silence”: Language & Uncertainty in Brian Komei Dempster’s Seize, Southern Humanities Review